Puerto Rico Support



According to a recent TIME Magazine article entitled,  Here Are the Disturbing Numbers on Puerto Rico One Month After Hurricane Maria, “A million people in Puerto Rico lack water and three million are still without power!”


Puerto Rico still needs HELP!  Please help me help Puerto Rico.

Every Third Sunday I will be raising an Missionary Support Seed Offering for Puerto Rico. I am asking you to join me. 

I really hope you will consider partnering with me to support Puerto Rico through Brenda and her missions ministry.  See Brenda’s latest newsletter below. 

You can send your check / money order donations to me at:
6319 S. KImbark Ave
Chicago, IL 60637

Put Puerto Rico Relief in the memo field.

You can also make a donation @ www.concordmbchurch.org/giving

Or you can sow directly into Brenda’s ministry at:
Donations can be made via PayPal.com using the ministry email:thejourneyministriespr@yahoo.com
By Mail :
Brenda Taylor
Urb. José Severo Quiñones
895 calle Sanchez Rohena
Carolina, PR 00985
I will be collecting the first seed offering, Sunday, October 22, 2017.  So please come prepared to sow or send your support.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to give me a call @ 773-363-1377.
We are expecting another plane for PR Relief, so we need ALL the help we can get tomorrow Saturday from 10 AM-5 PM.  Please go to the Grace and Peace Church warehouse and donate some time. Grace and Peace Church Warehouse is located @ 1864 N. Leclaire and Grand Avenue.  Chicago, IL.
Thanking you in advance, 
Dr. Phelps


Greetings everyone! 
It’s really me; I’m really alive; and I’m really writing this email. Now, if it lands in your in box that was God because it’s a miracle! Communication is still very poor for the majority of people but we, I, now have days that are “normal” but not everyday and not everything works at the same time for any given length of time. So, yeah…nothing has changed. LOL!
I want to share a few pics of things we’ve been doing. Some people have been able to get out to the front lines faster which has been frustrating BUT things are starting to roll in and people are reaching out asking how they can best help. 
Last week, we helped Calvary Church of the Nazarene to open their doors to distribute hygiene care kits and Manna Packs to the Club Manor, Monte Hatillo and Monte Carlo communities. We had 9 families we served. This number may seem small but 7 of the families were from Club Manor, the urbanization in which the church is located. This is HUGE because the residents have been invited to participate in various activities through out the years and no one has really responded. The last three years, we have been intentional about reaching out to the community but to no avail until now! People are being served by the hygiene kits and Manna Packs. They are also being served by the small food pantry we have. The pantry was pretty well stocked with staples before the storm but is now very low. Things go out as fast as they are brought in. 
This is a picture of the pantry from Sunday. Mariel made a few more bags from what we had. So, it’s less than what’s pictured here. 
On Friday, we went to a Retirement Community across from Monte Hatillo. One of the residents had come the day before and expressed to us their need. We went thinking we’d find a few people but actually found a lot. Residents were downstairs because they had a generator or they were on the patio enjoying the cool air. We took 2 boxes of Manna Packs and after consulting with an administrator decided to donate them to the kitchen since the residents really aren’t able to cook right now. However, a line began to form. 
Despite Mariel explaining what we had and that we were going to donate the packs to the kitchen, the residents asked if they could have the packs themselves. We watched them hold the packs close to them like a security blanket. Having something, even if they couldn’t cook it, and knowing some one cares brought them comfort. 
It breaks our heart and we are collecting things such as breakfast bars, individual cereal/instant oatmeal, granola bars, crackers, canned sausages, etc that we can make care packages for them.
Here, I’m explaining about the packs to the fellows on the patio.
Today, I’ve been asked to help out on a secret mission. I feel a bit like James Bond! 😉 I go knowing that while our mission is “secret” (mostly because I have no idea what we’re doing. I was just asked to tag along and said yes) we will be impacting the lives of those we love and are called to serve bringing hope to a desperate people. 
If you would like to help, I’ve posted some ways on my Facebook page. I will write a separate email with a list of things we need. Basically, any canned meat, non perishable that can be eaten without being cooked if needed. Some are writing letters while I understand there is a church with a group of ladies who quilt. They are making blankets. What a cool idea, right! 
If you choose to mail something, I suggest:
1. Don’t over stuff the box and tape it really well. Especially, the corners.
2. Get a tracking number. I can track boxes.
3. Insure the box. It’s only a few extra dollars and with the amount of mail being processed is just a wise idea.
4. If you send a box and have a monetary love gift do NOT send the two together!
Ordinarily, it would probably be fine. However, with the amount of mail and boxes being processed I think it’s better safe than sorry. DO NOT send cash!
If you have a monetary gift, the best two options are: PayPal.com using the ministry email:thejourneyministriespr@yahoo.com
Gifts and packages can be sent directly to me as well:
Brenda Taylor
Urb. José Severo Quiñones
895 calle Sanchez Rohena
Carolina, PR 00985
Well..Jane Bond must go on her mission…until next time!
On the Journey…Serving Him Together,

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