Relationship Tip: Never Insult Your Partner’s Intelligence

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“He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” Proverbs 28:13

A few years ago, I saw a 60 Minutes episode on “At What Age Do You Learn to Lie?”  The researchers put a group of toddlers in a room with hidden cameras and put a plate of cookies and toys in the room.  The toddlers were directed not to touch the toys or eat the cookies.   Then the adult left the room and in almost every case, the toddlers, did what they were told not to do, when no one was looking,  played with the toys and ate the cookies.  When the adult researcher returned back to the room, and observed the displacement of the toys and the missing cookies and asked the toddler if they touched the toy or ate the cookies, although no one else was in the room, almost every time, the toddler denied it!

The researchers concluded that it was the toddler’s natural proclivity to lie to avoid the consequences of ones immoral behavior.  There is something inside each of us, no matter how old we are, when confronted about one’s immoral behavior, most people will lie to protect themselves or to keep what they have.  It’s human nature.

The Proverbial writer says that,  He that covereth his sins shall not prosper!!  

Here is the tip:

I know that it goes against common sense and street wisdom, but If you get caught cheating or lying, just admit it.  Man up and deal with the consequences.  

I know that you may have been taught to Deny it…Deny it…. Deny it….. But if you are caught, the best thing to do is to admit it.  To continue to deny it, once the evidence is there to convict you, is really adding insult to injury. Ultimately, it’s not a wise thing to call a judge/jury/executioner stupid!!!!  

Never insult your partner’s intelligence!

Truth is what makes, mercy, forgiveness and even reconciliation possible.  Never build a relationship on a lie! I don’t care how much you are trying to protect and preserve.

Remember, “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.”



Almighty Father; I enter your presence confessing the things I have tried to conceal from you and the things I have tried to conceal from others. I confess the heartbreak, worry, and sorrow I have caused that make it difficult for others to forgive me. I ask for forgiveness for the times we have made it easy for others to do wrong, and the harm I have done that makes it hard for me to forgive myself. Lord have mercy and forgive me through your son Jesus Christ. AMEN.

Have a great weekend.

Dr. Phelps


I need to raise at least $20,000 to market and promote my new book, Further, Faster, Together, which launches in February. This funding will also go towards a significant book tour in which I will travel around the country in an effort to encourage and help build  healthy relationships at little or no cost to them.  So far I’ve only raised $700.00.  I’ve got a long way to go!

Please consider sowing a seed today. To do so go to our Further, Faster, Together GoFundMe campaign and/or  pre-ordering my book Further, Faster, Together  at a pre-sale discount. 

Thank You! 

Dr. Phelps

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