Relationship Tip: God’s Remedy for Broken Trust

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For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: 15 but if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Matt 6:14-15

To be in relationship, is to risk being hurt.

Recently, I inquired for  topics of discussion for my blog and the only response and recommendation I received was Broken Trust.

As I begin to pray about how I would approach the subject, my heart became so heavy.  Its because there are so many body who are the victims of broken trust!   Unfortunately the church and world is full of victims of broken trust.  

The effects of betrayal and broken trust are anger, bitterness and hurt.  It can even lead to hatred for that person if not dealt with in a productive way.  The biggest effect that it has unfortunately is the impact that it can have on your future relationships. Broken trust can erect a inpenatratable wall causing trust issues with every body you come in contact with.

How to overcome broken trust?

  1. Have the courage to confront the person.  This is an imperative….  One must have the courage to confront and conquer their emotional issues, insecurities, broken trust and failed relationships, before engaging in a new relationship.
  2. If possible discuss it to get answers and to share the impact of betrayal on you.
  3. Forgive…..  and if necessary forgive again.

God’s remedy for relational hurt and broken trust is FORGIVENESS.

YOU forgive not because they deserve it, but because YOU deserve it! Additionally, human forgiveness is prerequisite for divine forgiveness. (Matt 6:14-15).

Other text on forgiveness:

Ephesians 4:32, Luke 23:34, Romans 8:28, 1 John 1:9, and Matthew 18:15-17

4. Love again.  Take a chance on love again.  Just because the previous relationship or love didn’t work out doesn’t mean it never will!


Dr. Phelps


Lord God, I ask Your forgiveness and repent Lord for (state the wrong doing or sin). I have purposed in my heart to actively fight temptation using Your Word so that I do not continue to sin. Father, I know that sin separates us as your word says in Romans 3:23 and I want to be close to You. I want to be a man (or woman) after Your own heart like King David.

Lord, today I forgive anyone who has offended me in the past, and has committed any wrong doings against me, both great and small. I recognize that if I do not forgive others, You will not forgive me. I thank You for Your mercy and I thank You for Your grace Lord.

In the mighty name of Jesus I pray and declare these things,




[i] “Prayer For Forgiveness.”, Victory International, Accessed February 4, 2015

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