Give Love On Christmas Day!

Phelps Christmas Cards 1

Give Love On Christmas Day!

What the world needs is love
Yes, the world needs your love
Give love, oh, give love on Christmas Day

John 3:16

For God So Loved the World, that He Gave His Only begotton Son, that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life!”

One of the traditions of the Christmas season is the giving of gifts.

Unfortunately, far too many judge the nature and quality of Christmas based upon one’s ability to give or what we receive.

Worst yet, we leave Christ out of Christ-mas all together.

Christmas has become about everyone and everything, except Christ.

We don’t seek or worship Christ on Christmas. Nor do we bless him on the day the world observes his birth!

We bless everyone on Christmas but Him. (Was Christ on your Christmas list? Will you be present worshipping him on Friday? Will you come bringing Him a gift?)

This tradition of giving started by the wise men, as they came to worship Christ the child king out of their worship came the giving of gifts worship gold, frankincense and myrrh. These valuable items were standard gifts to honor a king or deity in the ancient world: gold as a precious metal, frankincense as perfume or incense, and myrrh as anointing oil. The gold representing his kingship, frankincense a symbol of his priestly role, and myrrh a prefiguring of his death and embalming.

Giving is and will always be a part of Christmas and therefore it must be done Christ like.

Giving ought to be reflective of him!  It ought to be done with Him in mind.

Gifts ought to be done in and out of love.

Every gift should be seasoned and saturated in and out of love!  It ought to convey to the receiver, not only that you thought about me, but that you love me.

This is not contingent upon amount of money spent or the size of the gift.  But what comes from the heart, reaches the heart! It is so easy to tell intentionality from an after thought!

The Gift ought to say I love you, I was thinking about you!  Therefore, when you give it ought to be your very best!

That’s what Christmas is all about, It’s about God giving us his best!  Jesus!  In turn we ought to give God our very best.

He so love the world, you and I that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, shall have eternal life.

As God’s children, we ought to give Love all the time, but especially on Christmas day.

I want to challenge you to give love on Christmas day!

How do you do it?  Love is what love does!  Love is a verb. Love is an action word.

During the Christmas season, improve your serve, by helping the lost, left out and less fortunate. Adopt a senior citizen, needy family or child for Christmas. Let’s show them the love of Christ this Christmas! Why don’t you give love on Christmas Day?

Merry Christmas!

Dr. Phelps



What other ways can you show the love of Christ on Christmas?

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