Excerpt from Further, Faster, Together


Relationship Tip:

“Lack of commitment is another sign of immaturity. Quit committing to those that cannot, nor ever will, commit to you. If there is no future or commitment, then you may be wasting your time.”

My definition of immaturity is not mature; not full grown or ready.

The following story is a great example of what could happen if you commit to a person who is not ready to emotionally commit to you.

Everyone thought Tim and Kris would make a great couple. Both were in their mid-thirties, educated, Christian and were well established in their careers. Neither one had ever been married nor had kids. They finally agreed to go out on a date. They found they had a lot in common. The only problem was, Tim wanted to get married and have a child, while Kris preferred to keep her options open. Tim and Kris were at different stages or levels of commitment in the relationship, which made the relationship stressful at times. They dated on an off for a while, but eventually decided to go their separate ways.

Emotional health and maturity plays a vital role in any relationship and therefore should be given your utmost attention.

Excerpt from Further, Faster, Together

What do you think about this tip?

Please comment and share with others!  Have a great day!

Dr. Phelps

  • Kenneth

    Additional thoughts….. Don’t underestimate the power of choice. Commitment is about choice and determination (endurance). Timing is everything. In our minds eyesight we are looking for the perfect person. I get it. But no one is perfect, in the sense of without flaws or shortcomings. But again, no one is perfect. So seek more compatibility, then perfection. And once you find it (compatibility), don’t be a afraid to commit (take a chance on love).

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