Relationship Tip – Check Yourself!

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“The starting point of any relationship is YOU. If YOU are messed up and out of control, you are already operating in a relational deficit!”

The substratum or foundation of all your relationships is YOU. For years when I had problems in my relationship with others, I would pray for them. I would ask God to fix them, I mean the problem had to be them, because it could not possibly be me! Here’s what I learned, when God wanted to “fix” my relationship at home, church or work, he usually did not start with them. He started with me. God changed the relationship, by first changing me! So now when there is an issue in my relationships at church, home or the workplace, I pray a different prayer. I now pray like this: Search me Lord. If you find anything in me that is not of thee, please remove it. Fix me Lord! Fix me! “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Ps. 51:10)

First God changes my thinking (and my attitude) and then He changes my behavior. Ghandi was right, ultimately, we have to be or become the change we want to see in our world. Transformation in your world begins and ends with YOU. It is important that you and I do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, so that we may discern the good, acceptable and perfect will of God for our lives. (Rom. 12:2)

You cannot change anybody except yourself. If you want transformation in your life, you must submit to God’s transforming power to change your life and others will follow!

Excerpt from my book Further, Faster, Together.   Pre-order your copy of Further, Faster, Together today at a discount @!

Dr. Phelps

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