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Here is what other’s are saying about Further, Faster, Together!

Check out this  Facebook video clip by Dr. Jakes, Pastor of the West Point Baptist Church, Chicago, IL.

Other endorsements:

“‘In this age of ‘Facebook friends’ that you don’t even know, Dr. Ken Phelps understands how to become a ‘good’ friend as the foundation for all lasting relationships, especially family and marriage. His transparent approach emphasizing the forgiveness of God, yourself, and significant others is the need of the hour!”

-Dr. Robert “Bob” Price
Northern Seminary
Associate Professor of Evangelism and Urban Ministry

Dr. Phelps has done a wonderful job of providing practical recommendations for navigating relationships. Dr. Phelps just doesn’t provide you with relationship advice, he gives tools and resources for understanding how to make your relationships work. Relying on the Word of God, Phelps offers proven methods that will bring relationship success to all those who read his book. I highly recommend it!

-Rev. Dr. Tasha Vinson Brown
Galewood Community Church United Church of Christ
Northern Seminary
Director of Urban Relations and Adjunct Professor of Spiritual Development

“Kenneth Phelps has done the Church a tremendous service in this phenomenal work, Further, Faster, Together. These biblical principles on building and nurturing healthy relationships will be a blessing for years to come. Thank God for his insight.”

-Dr. James C. Perkins, Pastor
Greater Christ Baptist Church Detroit, Michigan
President, Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc.

“A tremendous resource that demonstrates the love, commitment, compassion, tenacity, and willingness to connect to another person in order to build a long lasting relationship. Dr. Phelps has written a compelling and insightful body of work with strong biblical truths to substantiate the relationship tips provided within its pages. This book also reminded me of the important role that both forgiveness and trust play in the process of fostering successful relationships. Further, Faster, Together provides a wonderful model for navigating the complex challenges encountered while establishing relationships.”

Bishop William Hudson III
Prayer & Faith Outreach Ministries
Coadjutor Bishop of the Pilgrim Assemblies International

 Let’s Go Further, Faster, Together!


Dr. Phelps

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