The Evolution of Kenneth D. Phelps


“The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.”

A few years ago, Kirk Franklin released a CD entitled “The Rebirth of Kirk Franklin.”  It was an amazing project with a profound message.

Today, in similar fashion I release and reveal to the world what I’ve been working on for the past two years; The Evolution of Kenneth D. Phelps.  It’s the next phase of my life and ministry.  I like to think of it more as a movement; a transition as oppose to a transformation.   It is an evolution; The gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

I hope you love and support what you see.  If you do, please subscribe, like, follow and tell others about it.

Here is my mission, brand promise and motto:

Mission Statement:

Helping individuals and couples passionately pursue and reach their God-given potential and destiny.

Brand Promise:

As Spiritual Life and Relational Coach I promise to produce and provide quality literature, Godly counsel and provocative presentations that edifies, enlightens, encourages and empowers individuals and couples to passionately pursue and reach their God-given potential and destiny.


Change lives and dying empty!

My Prayer:

That my evolution will assist in your transformation and transition to your destiny for God’s greater glory.

Click on this link to find out more!

Let’s Go Further , Faster , Together!


Dr. Phelps

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