Relationship Tip – Celebrate


Relationship Tip: 

“Always celebrate the one you love. Celebrate them and your relationship often, privately and publicly.” 

Matt 10:33 

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Merry Christmas!

The word Christmas is a compound word. Christ and mass.  Which literally means the worship of or the celebration of Christ.

We should always be willing and excited to celebrate Christ our King!  Especially on Christmas!

It is  the celebration of the object of your love and adoration that brings about greater intimacy and appreciation.  This applies to relationships too!

Give it a try and watch the one you love bless you!


I will bless the Lord and all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth! I celebrate and thank you Lord for this relationship. Lord, I have so much to praise you for. I honor and celebrate this relationship. Help us to maximize this season in our lives and never take each other for granted. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.


Post how you will celebrate Jesus and the one you love today.


Dr. Phelps

  • louise

    good advice more of our young people should read & live by those riles of life.

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