Relationship Tip: Compatibility Counts!

  Contrary to popular belief, sensitive or emotional and moody people, don’t need to be with other sensitive people because that can be emotionally draining and even volatile. Rather sensitive people should connect with those who are sensitive to their sensitivity. Their understanding and attentiveness will result in balance and peace. Seek mutual attraction, interests, engagement and investment in relationships. …

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Relationship Tips – Let’s Be Friends

RELATIONSHIP TIP #4: “Before you become anything else, become friends!” Contrary to popular belief, the first step in a relationship is not lovers, but friends. Friendship is the ideal place to start any relationship. Unfortunately, the starting point for many is lust rather than friendship. Recently I heard a true story of a successful young woman who went to a …

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Relationship Tip – Check Yourself!

“The starting point of any relationship is YOU. If YOU are messed up and out of control, you are already operating in a relational deficit!” The substratum or foundation of all your relationships is YOU. For years when I had problems in my relationship with others, I would pray for them. I would ask God to fix them, I mean …

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Relationship Tip – Money Matters

  “In relationships MONEY Matters.” Money is important because it informs our self-worth (self-esteem) and net worth. I learned in my high school consumer education class that money is important because it determines what we can and cannot do. Money gives you freedom and choices. Let’s consider Joe and Tammy’s story. Tammy and Joe grew up together and eventually started …

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Relationship Tip – Parents Be Parents

Relationship Tip: Parents be parents. Do not give in to the pressure of being friends with your children. Establish healthy boundaries. Never give your children permission to disrespect you or your position. Your role is to give guidance , direction ,leadership ,discipline ,love and support , whether they want or appreciate it or not. Children of all ages please listen …

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Steps to a New You in 2016

New Years Eve Message. Isaiah 43:19 (KJV) Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. 2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away ; behold , all …

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Relationship Tip – Take a Chance!

“Take a chance on Love or Life. Take a risk… The worst that can happen is they say no or you fail.  Nothing beats a failure but a try!  I know that rejections hurt, but love feels much better, than rejection and loneliness. Accomplishment feels better than failure or not having tried.  You can do all things through Christ, that strengthens you. …

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Relationship Tip – Avoid Abuse at All Cost

“Avoid relationships with controlling and abusive people.” Dr. Phelps Psalm 37:1-5 Prayer God, heal my hurt. Please provide healing, comfort, peace, and security. Help me to love and trust again. Restore what has been stolen and broken. Help me to make good relationship choices and to avoid covenant relationships with controlling and abusive people. I pray for those who are …

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Relationship Tip – Celebrate

Relationship Tip:  “Always celebrate the one you love. Celebrate them and your relationship often, privately and publicly.”  Matt 10:33  But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Merry Christmas! The word Christmas is a compound word. Christ and mass.  Which literally means the worship of or the celebration of …

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Give Love On Christmas Day!

Give Love On Christmas Day! What the world needs is love Yes, the world needs your love Give love, oh, give love on Christmas Day John 3:16 “For God So Loved the World, that He Gave His Only begotton Son, that whosoever believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life!” One of the traditions of the Christmas season …

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