CCO’s 2016 Back to School Supply Give A Way and Block Party

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I hope and pray all is well with you and your family.  It’s that time again.  I need your help to make CCO’s 2nd Annual Back to School Block Party/ PlayStreets and Back to School Give – Away a success!


On Saturday August 27, 2016 from the hours of 10:00am through 5:00pm, CCO , CMBC and PlayStreets have planned its community joint venture together. Your support is needed to help make this event a great success.

We would like to purchase school supplies for students of all ages; including but not limited to back-packs, paper, pens and pencils etc,. Food donations (Hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, chips, juices, paper products and condiments) and volunteers are also needed.

We would like to have all donations and supplies by Sunday, August 21, 2016.

School supplies, food donations may be brought to the Concord MB Church @ 6319 S. Kimbark Ave. Chicago, IL 60637. Or call 773-363-1377 to arrange drop off or pick up.

If you would like to send a financial contribution to sponsor this event, donations can be sent to:

Concord MB Church
6319 So. Kimbark Ave.
Chicago, IL 60637

Make checks payable to: Concord MB Church
Please write in the Memo Field – CCO Back to School PlayStreet
ONLINE Donation:
Contributions can also be made online @

Note: Both Concord Community Organization and CMBC are non-for profit 501c3 organizations in good standings with the IRS. CCO and CMBC are fully funded and supported by the contributions and generosity of its Members, friends and loyal supporters. CMBC is the legal fiscal agent for CCO, your sponsorship or donation is 100% tax deductible.

Should you have any additional questions and/or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (773) 363-1377; we do hope that you would respond favorable to this request.


Dr. Kenneth D. Phelps,

2016 Back to School Block Party

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