CMBC Coronavirus Update –

CMBC Coronavirus Update.

President Trump has asked the country to limit gatherings to 10 people.

Governor Pritzker  has asked that we limited gatheringS to 50 people. 

After much prayer and reviewing the  Updated CDC, State of Illinois and City of Chicago COVID-19 Update and Guidance for Community- and Faith-based Organizations information, I have decided to cancel all in person activities at the CMBC.  

Effective immediately, we will be doing all regularly scheduled services ONLINE @ Facebook Live and Zoom.US or via conference call, until further notice.

Note: Zoom.US is an alternative to those who do not have Facebook Live.  

How to Access:



Zoom.US – 

NOTE: You may have to download the app, so please access the link 10-15 minutes before the event’s start time.

One tap mobile

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CMBC Social Media Helpdesk: 

Please call the CMBC Social Media Helpdesk @  773-363-1377, if you need help setting up a Facebook Account, accessing Facebook or any questions regarding installing or using Zoom.US.   

Finally, please take care of yourself and each other.    Please pray for and  check on one another. 


Dr. Phelps


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