CMBC Online Worship @ 11 AM – Please Join Us

I hope and pray that you are well.
Join us tomorrow morning @ 11 for Sunday Morning Worship. Spread the word.

2 Ways to Worship:
Zoom.US –  Video
One tap mobile – Conference Call
6 Ways to Give:
    • Mail – Send to Concord MB Church 6319 S. Kimbark Ave Chicago, IL 60637
  • Drop off at the church 11 AM – 1 PM.  Checks and Money Orders Only.  NO cash please.
NEW WAY TO GIVE: Text To Give – It’s simple and secure!
1. Text  the amount you want to give to the following number  773-345-6319 
Ex: Enter $10 in the text comment field and enter 773-345-6319
2. You will receive a link to the online giving form.  Select the fund you want to give to.  IE Tithe, Offering, Pastor Vision, etc
NOTE:  You can give to multiple funds by hitting the “ADD BUTTON.”
3. Enter your payment option, Credit Card or Check.
That’s it.   Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Your online participation,  prayers and financial support during this season is critical.
CMBC Social Media Helpdesk:
Again,  if you need help setting up a Facebook Account, accessing Facebook or any questions using Zoom.US, please call the Helpdesk @  773-363-1377
Dr. Phelps
Senior Pastor

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