Relationship Tip – Money Matters

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“In relationships MONEY Matters.”

Money is important because it informs our self-worth (self-esteem) and net worth. I learned in my high school consumer education class that money is important because it determines what we can and cannot do. Money gives you freedom and choices. Let’s consider Joe and Tammy’s story.

Tammy and Joe grew up together and eventually started dating. They had unprotected sex and Tammy became pregnant. Tammy and Joe cared very deeply for each other and decided to move in together. They had a few more children together. After the third child Tammy became frustrated with Joe, because he would not propose to her. Finally, he informed Tammy that the reason that he didn’t want to get married, was because he did not have the money. He didn’t have the money for a wedding or to consistently provide for a wife and family.

The preceding example demonstrates how money can impact a relationship and even prevent it from going to the next level.

Unfortunately, when it comes to relationships, money matters. I find financial issues or “money matters” to be in the top five issues that most couples struggle with, because our sense of self is tied to our net-worth and buying power. He or she who has or makes the most money, usually controls the money and the relationship. Most people understand that, which is why they prefer to have “their own” money; because for them, financial freedom equals relational freedom!

Therefore, in preparation for a relationship, individuals must get their personal finances in check. This involves getting your spending and debt under control (if possible eliminate debt), before getting into a relationship with someone. Financial health helps you to be an asset to any relationship you choose to pursue.

Excerpt from my book Further, Faster, Together.   Pre-order your copy of Further, Faster, Together today at a discount @!


Dr. Phelps

  • Dianna Coleman

    This is so very true, because having peace in a relationship is when you don’t have to worry about where the next bill is going to be paid. unfortunately we (and I say we because it took a long time for me to grasp this concept) as humans tend to spend money on useless things that we don’t even need. Recently me and my to be, fell into a pit of dept that we seem to have a hard time coming out of, and it was mostly my own doing not his, because I felt that I had to keep my nails done, look good and I would let things go in order to do that. However I learned that you can look good without all the fake things in life. So now I am in the process of fixing me and submitting to his way of spending, by using common sense. And having done so we are to embark on a peaceful and loving relationship. I feel that once two people become as one life is so much easier than pulling against one another.

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