• December 9, 2019




In a Harmoneutic Culture, members understand the value of camaraderie, that micromanagement is obsolete, that there is a climate of respect and trust, and everyone knows the vision and works to produce and give their best.  How is this culture created?  It’s simple; everyone learns to communicate harmoneutically.

Using his extensive knowledge, proven strategies, and life experiences, Montage Pheloan will break down the barriers to harmonious culture in the Pastors and Musicians’ Edition of Harmoneutic Culture.

 When pastors and musicians select wisely, miscommunication, micromanagement, and misunderstandings are virtually obsolete and replaced by a well-organized culture of communication, camaraderie and collaboration.” – Montage Pheloan

 Montage Pheloan, a Chicago, Illinois native is a Grammy Award Nominated Songwriter, Musician, Composer, Content Creator and distinguished Thought Leader.  Montage has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Secondary Music Education from Chicago State University, a Master of Music Education from VanderCook College of Music.  Montage is the founder and Executive Director of Young Maestro Academy. Montage has a genuine passion for positively impacting the world by way of the universal language, music.